Savannah kittens serval and caracal 4 weeks old.
Pets & Animals / Chichester / England / United Kingdom / ID 3497 / Posted on: 27/07/2023 by jimenez
Pets & Animals / Chichester / England / United Kingdom / ID 3497 / Posted on: 27/07/2023 by jimenez
Savannah kittens serval and caracal 4 weeks old.
They are available and come with all automatically legalized documents and satisfactory vaccination.
They get along with other animals and dogs and are also happy to share your children’s play.
Parents: (in recent photos)
Mother: Bridget F1
Father: Serval
For more information and pictures please contact :
Summary of images, photos, photographs, frames and visual media corresponding to the classified ad "Savannah kittens serval and caracal 4 weeks old." of the category "Pets & Animals" and which is in Chichester, new, 1, with unique id #ID:3497