Our beautiful Bella has safely delivered 7 wonderful puppies.
Pets & Animals / Belfast / Northern Ireland / United Kingdom / ID 2041 / Posted on: 28/07/2021 by marinasylvana
Pets & Animals / Belfast / Northern Ireland / United Kingdom / ID 2041 / Posted on: 28/07/2021 by marinasylvana
Our beautiful Bella has safely delivered 7 wonderful puppies.
Bella is our family pet who we have owned since she was 8 weeks old. She is a very intelligent, affectionate and much loved pedigree miniature poodle who has no health issues. She has been a fantastic Mother and is devoted to her babies.
for more details. Contact on
Whatsapp.. +1 816 537 2408
Summary of images, photos, photographs, frames and visual media corresponding to the classified ad "Our beautiful Bella has safely delivered 7 wonderful puppies." of the category "Pets & Animals" and which is in Belfast, new, 600, with unique id #ID:2041